lunes, 16 de enero de 2012


Nowadays students have many opportunities to go and study abroad, since there are more scholarships, the ERASMUS program for instance. Some may say it is a great experience while others would say it is not such a marvelous thing. Is everybody willing to attend a course or more in another nation?

On the one hand, living that experience will help you to become a more independent person, because you are far away from your family and you will have to learn to manage different situations on your own. Moreover, you will be able to meet people from a variety of countries and cultures. That will make you open-minded and probably enrich your future work.

On the other hand, you are not close to your family, friends and people you know while you are in an unknown place, which may also have a different language from yours. Therefore, it could be a depressing period of time. In addition, people who do it often go to parties instead of studying, so it is not always helpful for your degree.

On balance, I believe pros are stronger than cons and that it is something worthwhile. As I see it, if someone has a chance to study in another country, he or she should take advantage of it, even if that person is afraid of going there alone and not knowing anybody, as it is my case. Consequently, I would -and hope I will- go a year to study abroad.

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