miércoles, 29 de febrero de 2012



Nowadays, reality shows are one of the most watched programs on TV, which makes us ask ourselves: what could be the fact that attracts us to watch those ridiculous programs?

Firstly, people who star in this type of programs do not have any respect for themselves and they are ready to make a fool of themselves and also to do anything in order to attract attention. In addition, they are a bad role model due to their outrageous attitude, which influences negatively on the viewers’ personality.

Apart from this, the realities do not have any other aim apart from keeping people wasting their time in front of the TV by being disrespectful one with each other and doing foolish things. It is difficult to understand how people can enjoy watching normal people in their daily life, without doing anything interesting.

From my point of view, both people who star in reality shows and people who watch them have empty lives. The first ones because they sell their privacy in exchange for fame and the second ones because they don’t have anything else to do apart from watching other’s ordinary lives.

martes, 28 de febrero de 2012

Tv programmes


I´m not a really TV fanatic, but if I had to choose the programme I like the most, I would say Glee. I started to watch it three years ago, when a friend recommended it. Glee is a comedy and a musical about some teenagers who are members of  Glee Club, the high-school´s music club. Nowadays Glee is one of the most famous TV series in the world.

What I like about it is the music, because apart from telling a story they sing famous songs, sometimes adapting classic songs and other times trendy songs, and also they mix them. I also like the variety of topics, such as the luck of self-esteem, bullying, competitiveness or comradeship. Moreover, a lot of people feel captured with some of the characters, because most of them are ordinary people with common problems.

The reason Glee is so famous is because it is different and because everyone can watch it, from children to adults. So If you are bored at home try to watch it, I´m sure you´d like it.


Along all my life, I have watched many TV programs and serials. When I was little, my favorite program was The Flintstones and at the age of 12 Hanna Montana. But things and also I have changed and now I really love a new serial called “Desperate Housewives”. This American program is a drama and comedy serial created by Marc Cherry and produced by ABC studios. It was launched in 2004 and it was an instant hit.

The series has four main characters who are: Susan Mayer (Teri Hatcher), Lynette Scavo (Felicity Huffman), Bree Van De Kamp (Marcia Cross) and Gabrielle Solís (Eva Longoria). Those four incredible women have to deal with their personal problems and also with scary people and murders.

The serial takes place in a village called Wisteria Lane, which is a calm place where everything seems to be perfect. The main characters and their families are connected between them and have a great friendship and sometimes also relationships.

I like this program because it is funny but at the same time sad, and the combination of the two makes it different and interesting and also because the interpretation of all the characters is great. Despite this, I believe that the reason why I like the series is that the problems they have to deal with, are the ones which many women all over the world have to face.

lunes, 6 de febrero de 2012

A midsummer night’s dream

Last year I went to BBK LIve festival, and although my expectations on the event could not get much higher, it was even better than I imagined.
That bright July day, there were lots of stages where bands and DJ-s were playing music, there were also places to buy merchandising, food and drinks... and of course people everywhere, but it didn’t get to feeling crowded, there was room for everyone!
As the time for one of the leading groups to play approached, the midsummer sun that had been heating our faces was taken over by the breeze that came along with dusk. Attenders began to gather around the central stage, where I had been waiting for hours (I am a huge 30 seconds to Mars fan) and the atmosphere grew buoyant and lively. Each minute of countdown for the start, the crowd’s excitement seemed to intoxicate the air and made the temperature go up and up. And when finally the band came out, the spanking mob began to jump up and down impulsed by the sound of the music that made us all sing along with the band, as if we were one.
With the final stage, it started to rain nonstop, as if wanting to sweep our happiness away, but it would not, because even if the night was to end it couldn’t be a bitter one, we would always have a remembrance of it all lingering in our minds. It was more of a fresh sensation that tried to wake us up from the dream we had just made come true.

domingo, 5 de febrero de 2012


In December, I went to watch the football match between the Tunisian and the Basque national teams. I had been waiting for that day since the year before when I watched another match of the Basque national team and I had a great time. This time, I have also enjoyed it a lot.

When I arrived, San Mames was already full of people, and they were cheering excitedly. All the people had coloured papers on their seats and we all put them up to make a beautiful mosaic. There was a special smell on the air, the typical odour of a football match, a mixture between tobacco and sandwich smell.
Suddenly the referee blew the whistle and the match started. The crowd started to cheer louder, it was deafening. The atmosphere was incredible.
In the end, despite the match wasn’t too good, I had a really good time. I think that I will go to the Basque national team’s matches every year, because watching it on TV isn’t the same as watching it live.


Last Sunday I went to the Bellas Artes Museum of Bilbao to see an exposition of the artist Antonio López. I’ve seen his work in books and on the TV, but seeing it in reality was simply delightful.

It was the last day of the exhibition, so the gallery, even being early in the morning, was already crowded. However, the atmosphere was relaxing, like it usually is in all the museums. Everyone was silent or whispering, except for a couple of children and the guide that was explaining the exhibit to a group of people.

The technique of the artist in his paintings was absolutely impressive, both in oil paintings and in the ones made with pencil, which seemed a black and white photo. After that, I had a hot chocolate that was tasty, but nothing compared with the delicious one they make in my favourite café.

To sum up, it was an exhibition I couldn’t have missed. I have to admit I felt quite proud of myself seeing the huge queue there was when I left the museum and which I had avoided by going just when they opened at ten o’clock.