lunes, 6 de febrero de 2012

A midsummer night’s dream

Last year I went to BBK LIve festival, and although my expectations on the event could not get much higher, it was even better than I imagined.
That bright July day, there were lots of stages where bands and DJ-s were playing music, there were also places to buy merchandising, food and drinks... and of course people everywhere, but it didn’t get to feeling crowded, there was room for everyone!
As the time for one of the leading groups to play approached, the midsummer sun that had been heating our faces was taken over by the breeze that came along with dusk. Attenders began to gather around the central stage, where I had been waiting for hours (I am a huge 30 seconds to Mars fan) and the atmosphere grew buoyant and lively. Each minute of countdown for the start, the crowd’s excitement seemed to intoxicate the air and made the temperature go up and up. And when finally the band came out, the spanking mob began to jump up and down impulsed by the sound of the music that made us all sing along with the band, as if we were one.
With the final stage, it started to rain nonstop, as if wanting to sweep our happiness away, but it would not, because even if the night was to end it couldn’t be a bitter one, we would always have a remembrance of it all lingering in our minds. It was more of a fresh sensation that tried to wake us up from the dream we had just made come true.

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