jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2011

Online socialising isn’t good for real comunication

Many people think that they can meet new people by using social networks. But, are they true friends? In my opinion, nowadays, people have more online friends than true relationships.

First of all, I believe that online socialising is a more comfortable way to meet new people, but in my view, I prefer to meet them in a cafe, for example. We can imagine a person who stays all day at home chatting with people in social websites.Consequently, this person will have an imaginary world, with people that probably he/she isn’t going to meet in real life. Another reason is that when you have a problem, you can’t count on their support, they aren’t there to help and cheer you when you really need it.
Furthermore, it isn’t only the case of having real friends or not, the security is also something important here. If we use social websites anyone can know what are we doing all the time and where we are too, and this could be dangerous for us.

In conclusion, real communication can’t be substituted by this kind of communication. From my point of view, we should have more fun with real friends and don’t waste our time chatting with people that we can’t know if we can trust on them.

Ainize Rozas BE

Online socialising

Online socialising has a negative effect on real communication
In the latest years, the number of social networking sites have increased and because of this, online socialising has a bad effect on real communication, and I agree with this.

First of all, a lot of people, especially teenagers, spend a lot of time with the computer and in most cases it’s a waste of time. It’s true that you can communicate with old friends or meet new people but there is no need to be all day in front of the computer. You should control the time you spend and give more importance to real communication.

Secondly, social networking sites are becoming addictive and this is a bad effect. Speaking in this types of sites is impersonal and superficial, moreover, sometimes you don’t know who are you speaking with, because some people have got a false profile and fool you. All this damages face-to-face communication.You should be more sociable and be able to speak about difficult issues in real life.

All in all, I think that this online world has a negative effect on real communication, therefore, we have to spend less time with the computer and live our real life.

Online socialising


Online socialising is a very important issue because it is being introduced in our daily life very quickly, due to the use of the Internet. Many people think it is a good thing because they think it is part of the technological development our society is having, however, I don’t think so.
First of all, communicating and having face-to-face conversations with other people is something incredible and meaningful, because in that way, you can express your feelings and comprehend the people who you are talking with better than typing on a computer. You can see what faces is the other person putting and how his or her voice is. Imagine you have to tell your best friend something that is really hurting you, wouldn’t it be better to tell it her face-to-face instead of typing in front of a computer?
Secondly, since online socialising has become such popular, people, especially young people are beginning to stay more time alone at home in front of the computer, instead of meeting friends.
To sum up, despite the numerous benefits of online socialising, I believe cyber communication should be more controlled in order to conserve real communication, because if not in a few years we won’t be able to maintain a face-to-face conversation.

                                                                                      Jone Solorzano Santobeña



Nowadays, many people use online socialising in their daily routine. This seems a good and easy way to talk with friends and family, but from my point of view it has a lot of disadvantages and dangers.

First of all, due to online socialising, face- to -face communication is starting to descrease, because instead of meeting someone to talk, people do it by computer or phone, and also, significant issues that must be talked face to face become impersonal and superficial. Moreover, it is said that you can meet new people by online socialising, but I think that this isn’t true, because you don´t really know if those people tell the truth about themselves, so as I see it, meeting people in this way is dangerous.

Secondly, people spend more time in front of the computer, rising the number of eye problems, such as computer vision syndrome. In addition, it can be addictive and cause significant problems in people´s lives, for example it can change someone´s mood and personality.

To sum up, I think that online socialising is dangerous. This problem will be solved if teenagers and adults are taught to give more importance to real communication than to online communication.

Saioa Alabort

lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2011

¿Somos así de machistas?

Hace unos días se celebró el 25N, día contra la violencia de género. Ese día se divulgó un estudio hecho por la Federación de Mujeres Progresistas cuyos resultados causaron una gran impresión mediática ya que daban a entender que nuestra generación, la de los jóvenes de hoy día, somos aún más machistas que las anteriores.

Aunque una afirmación tan brutal contra toda una generación no se debería poder deducir de un único estudio, así se hizo y todos los diarios ( Público.es, Abc, El mundo...) se hicieron eco de esos resultados, que se podía decir que son poco veraces. Personalmente no conozco a ninguna mujer que afirme que nuestra función es “complacer al hombre”. El estudio se hizo en únicamente dos institutos de toda España, en los que además había una alta tasa de personas extranjeras, por lo que no se puede admitir que este estudio refleje la situación española. Según los datos, se podría decir además, que el estudio está sesgado.

Entre otras cosas digo esto porque, además de la forma en la que están planteadas las preguntas, las conlusiones se basan en afirmaciones que no tienenen relación lógica con el tema. Dicen que somos machistas porque admitimos que “los celos son algo normal en una relación”. Yo no veo la relación entre los celos y el machismo, los celos son un sentimiento que tienen tanto hombres como mujeres. Si, en cambio, hubieran preguntado sobre la violencia o actos machistas que pueden derivar de estos sentimientos, etonces, sería diferente. Algo que me sorprende también es que se considere machista por nuestra parte que nos gusten los “chicos malos”. ¿A quien no le encanta James Dean en “Rebelde sin causa”? ¿Es eso machista?

La violencia de género es algo muy preocupante como para hacer este tipo de estudio falso. Lo que realmente es preocupante es que se enfoque el tema en un angulo totalmente equivocado como este, y que se de importancia a que nos gusten los chicos malos en vez de a lo que consideramos un trato apropiado por parte de nuesta pareja. Porque que yo sepa James Dean trataba muy bien a Natalie Wood en la película. Para luchar contra la violencia de género es necesario, primero un conocimiento sobre lo que es machista y no, y segundo las contuctas que derivan de el machismo.

El link del estudio de FMP: http://www.fmujeresprogresistas.org/images/contenidos/nota%20de%20prensa%20informe%20jvenes%2024-11-11.pdf

Ane Zorrilla

viernes, 9 de diciembre de 2011


El pasado 25 de noviembre se celebró el día mundial contra la violencia de género. Un día en el que recordamos que todos los años cientos de mujeres de todo el mundo son asesinadas por sus parejas a sangre fría después de haber estado años sufriendo maltrato físico y psicológico. Esta lacra social puede parecer afectar únicamente a matrimonios o a parejas de más de treinta años, pero la verdad es que cada vez son más los casos de chicas jóvenes que sufren este tipo de violencia. Esto se debe a que todavía hoy en día, vivimos en una sociedad machista en la que la mujer desempeña un segundo plano.

Está claro que los hombres y las mujeres somos diferentes pero no deberían serlo los trabajos que desempeñamos en la sociedad ya que hombres y mujeres tenemos diferentes salarios por hacer el mismo trabajo. Las multinacionales y empresas importantes están dirigidas por hombres, a pesar de que en muchos casos las mujeres estamos mejor capacitadas y preparadas para el trabajo. Esta demostrado que las mujeres sacamos mejores notas y somos más responsables pero aun así, en muchos casos no se valora nuestro trabajo ni nuestro esfuerzo. Un ejemplo de esto son las películas, ya que en el 80% de ellas se nos trata únicamente como a objetos sexuales y son muy pocos los papeles protagonistas que recibimos.

Todo esto hace que muchos jóvenes piensen que sus novias tenemos que complacerles y hacer todo lo que ellos quieran. De este modo, empiezan a creer que tienen derecho a, de vez en cuando y siempre que nos portemos mal, darnos un tortazo o insultarlnos e humillarnos en público. Además son ellos los que deciden qué ropa nos ponemos y a qué hora o con quién podemos salir de casa.

Estos y muchos otros hechos están tan incorporados en nuestras vidas que no nos damos cuenta de lo insultantes que en realidad son, ya que la sociedad así nos lo ha hecho creer. Por ello y en definitiva, hay que hacer cambios, pero debemos entender que nada cambiará si no comprendemos que en realidad sí somos diferentes, que tenemos diferentes puntos de vista y de hacer las cosas y que ninguno es mejor que otro.

Alba Fullaondo

jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2011

A letter of complaint

   Aldai Azpi 39
5th November 2011
Town Planning Department
Town Hall

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to complain about the overuse of water in the park near my house. It is a very small place but there are three fountains that are constantly wasting water.

First of all, I would like to point out that the fountains are not in good conditions because you have to pull to shut off the water, if not, they do not stop pouring it. I think it is a big problem because nowadays, due to the global warming, there are constant droughts, so we should save water instead of wasting it.

To make matters worse, the water comes out too hard and it is very uncomfortable for some people like old people or children to drink water from these fountains.

Then, due to the constant waste of water, the fountains overflow and the land around them becomes muddy, so people’s shoes get covered in mud. This is what happens with my children, that whenever they go to the park they arrive dirty from head to toe.

In my view, the proper work of these fountains is very important, so I strongly urge you to repair them.

Yours sincerely,

Jone Solorzano

jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2011

Letter of complaint

Krutzeta Street 22
Gorliz, Biscay
6th November 2011

Town Planning Department
Town Hall
Gorliz, Biscay

Dear Sir or Madam,  
I am writing to complain about the proposal to build a golf course in Fanos. I realise that it will attract a lot of tourists, but it will also destroy a really beautiful natural reserve.

I find it unacceptable that so many trees will be cut down to make a flat surface, because that would destroy the ecosystem of the area. Apart from that, a lot of water would be wasted to irrigate the fields.

To make matters worse, a lot of people will lose the land they have there, and a lot of them live off it. Consequently, this proposal would affect the inhabitants of our town instead of improving their quality of life.

I would appreciate it if you rejected this project. I would recommend you to use the money to create jobs, because nowadays we are not in a good economical situation.

I look forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely,
Iñigo Zarandona

jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2011


Nos vigilan. Cada paso que damos es registrado por millones de cámaras, ojos o sensores de cualquier tipo que están repartidos por todo el mundo. Si se quiere se puede saber dónde estamos y lo que hacemos en cada momento. Somos privados de nuestra intimidad, a veces incluso en nuestra propia casa. Y lo peor de todo, es que no sabemos quiénes son los que están al otro lado de estos aparatos.

En cuanto entramos en la mayoría de establecimientos, ya sean pequeños o grandes, oficiales o no, encontramos un cartel en la puerta que nos avisa de que en él hay cámaras. En ése mismo instante sentimos que no podemos robar nada, que tenemos que tener cuidado con lo que tocamos para no hacer ningún movimiento sospechoso, incluso que no podemos hurgarnos en la nariz porque todo lo que hagamos estará siendo visto por alguien en algún rincón del edificio, o puede que en una centralita.

Nos sentimos acorralados, privados de nuestra tan duramente conseguida libertad. Pero en seguida pensamos que así estamos más seguros, porque si alguien entra a robar o a atracar el lugar en el que nos encontramos, la policía llegará rápidamente para arreglar las cosas. Y si no lo pensamos por nosotros mismos, para eso están los carteles que hay repartidos por todo el local, que nos dicen que las cámaras son solamente para nuestra seguridad. Y nos lo creemos. Y ya nos sentimos mejor, menos atrapados. Porque eso es lo que la vigilancia nos ofrece; fingida seguridad a cambio de disponer de nuestra privacidad.

Pero toda esta protección no es mas que la forma utilizada para que no nos sintamos observados. Por eso tenemos que proteger nuestros derechos de libertad e intimidad ante esta invasión de ojos que todo lo ven. Porque como muy claramente expresó Benjamin Franklin: “Aquellos que cederían la libertad esencial para adquirir una pequeña seguridad temporal, no merecen ni libertad ni seguridad”. Porque de este modo están ayudando a la promoción y aceptación de rutinas humillantes y desagradables con las que tenemos que convivir sin podernos quejar lo más mínimo.

¿Velan por nuestra seguridad?


Hoy en día las cámaras de seguridad y los controles rutinarios de vigilancia están totalmente integrados en nuestras vidas. Desde que salimos de casa hasta que llegamos al instituto o al trabajo, somos grabados por una media docena de cámaras que están colocadas en edificios públicos y mobiliario urbano como semáforos, señales de tráfico… Además de esto, también están los controles que tenemos que pasar en lugares como los aeropuertos y es este exceso de vigilancia el que hace que mucha gente se pregunte si de verdad velan por nuestra seguridad o nos privan de intimidad.

En primer lugar hay que decir, que toda la vigilancia a la que somos sometidos tiene un porqué y ese es el de velar por la seguridad de todos nosotros. Para ello son necesarias las cámaras y otros sistemas de control ya que gracias a ellos, la policía puede identificar por ejemplo, a conductores que ponen en peligro nuestra seguridad en la carretera.

En segundo lugar gracias a los sistemas de vigilancia que hay en nuestros pueblos, muchos culpables de delitos como robos a joyerías o ha comercios pueden ser identificados y más tarde juzgados. Sin ellos o sin testigos, esto no sería posible y como todos ya sabemos, alrededor de todo el mundo miles de asaltantes y asesinos han recibido su merecido gracias a simples cámaras que grabaron lo ocurrido. Cámaras que no molestan a nadie y que no tienen la culpa, si se puede decir de esa manera, de que hoy en día nuestra intimidad se vea reducida ya que en caso de no haber cometido un delito, nuestras imágenes no son vistas por más de un vigilante que hace su trabajo.

Por ello todos debemos entender que más que perjudicarnos, estos procedimientos nos ayudan y que su uso es necesario para que todos podamos vivir seguros.

domingo, 23 de octubre de 2011


A lot of people dream of being famous and they envy celebrities’ lifestyle. This wish has increased so much that there are companies which have became popular for offering people the opportunity of becoming famous for a day, doesn’t it sound ridiculous?
On the one hand, being a famous person it’s not bad, because you have fans who love and admire you, and this this raises your moral. In addition, it offers you the opportunity of having a glamorous lifestyle, full of  luxuries and caprices, such as parties, free clothes, great cars...
On the other hand, you feel lack of privacy. that’s because of the annoying paparazzi that follow you everywhere and who are continually trying to gossip about your life. Although there are people who like you, there’re also people who hate you and if they get obsessed with you, it could be dangerous.

All in all, I woudn’t like to became famous. From my point of view, popularity carries a lot of pressure with it and I’m very happy being unknown. 

 Andrea Galdiz BD

sábado, 22 de octubre de 2011

Advantages and disadvantages of being famous

A lot of people think that being famous is fabulous and luxurious. But is this true? Being famous only carries positive things, or is it worse than we think?

On the one hand, famous people always have what they want, this means all your desires are listened and fulfilled. They are wealthy and they are surrounded by people who worship them. All around them is fashionable and glamorous. They are usually very good-looking and attractive. Moreover, celebrities are talented people who have achieved all they have wanted in their life, and that’s what we all want.

On the other hand, being famous means to be in the spotlight day and night, they don´t have private life because of the tabloids. In fact,that´s why they are so notorious and their life is so outrageous. Some of them can´t stand the pressure of fame and start to take drugs, such as cocaine, and to get drunk.

In conclusion, despite the lavish life they have, I don´t think that being constantly in the spotlight is life for anyone. You can´t have private life so there is no form of enjoying anything you do, because there will always be someone looking at you.

viernes, 21 de octubre de 2011

Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson: A Biography

Michael Jackson, also known as the King of Pop, was born on August 29, 1958, in the state of Indiana (US).

He showed great talent since little, at the age of four he and his brothers formed a group called Jackson Five but it wouldn’t be until ten years later when he reached the top with his solo Ben.

In 1978 Michael got a part in The Wiz, a modern version of The Wizard of Oz and a year after he published “Off The Wall”, the album that would give him four top 10 hits “Don’t Stop Till You Get Enough” and “Rock With You” among them.

Three years later he reached the top on charts again when his famous “Thriller” album was released, of which over 40 million copies where sold.

In 1992 he signed with Sony Records music label for a billion of American dollars.

Jackson’s personal life is maybe as famous as his songs. He was much of an eccentric artist, during his life he went trough a lot of plastic surgery -he changed his chin, nose and even his skin colour.

He married twice: he was fist married to The King’s daughter Lisa Marie Presley and after filing for divorce in 1996 he married Debby Rowe that same year, with whom he had 3 children.

Two years before he had to pay 20 thousand dollars to a 13 year old boy who filed a lawsuit against him for sexual harassment and afterwards he was also accused of child molestation but he was found not guilty.

In 2009, after having announced going back on stage in London, he died the 26th of June.

Michael Jackson´s biography

Michael Jackson: a biography

The famous singer Michel Jackson was born in Indiana, United States, on the 29th of August of 1958.
Four years later,he and his four brothers formed a pop music group called “The Jackson Five”. At that time, Michael was just four years old. He got his first number one as a solo artist in 1972 with the album Ben. In 1978 he played a part in the film, “The Wizard”, a remake version of the all time classic “The Wizard of Oz”. His album “Off the wall”, which was released in 1979, got four top 10 hits, among them “Don’t Stop ‘til You Get Enough” and “Rock With You”. In 1982, his most famous album “Thriller” was published with enormous success. Michael sold more than 40 million copies of this album.
In 1984, while he was on a filming session of an advertisement for Pepsi Cola, he got his hair set on fire, fortunately with no serious consequences. In 1988 he underwent plastic surgery on his chin. In 1992, he signed a contract with Sony Record, by which he was to perceive 1 billion dollars during the next 15 years.
In 1994, after having been accused of sexual harassment of a 13 year old boy, he agreed to pay around 20 million dollars as compensation. He married Lisa Marie Presley in 1994, a daughter of the rock and roll star Elvis Presley. They divorced in 1996. That same year, he married a nurse named Debbie Rowe. In 1997, Debbie gave birth to the singer’s first son, “Prince Michel”, followed one year letter by his first daughter “Paris-Michael Katherine”. In year 2002, he had a second son named “Prince Michael II”. Michael was much criticized for showing his child in a balcony of a hotel in Berlin, in an action, considered very dangerous by many people. In 2003/04 he was accused of child molestation to a boy but, after a trial, he was declared not guilty.
In 2009, Michael announced before an audience gathered in the O2 Arena, in London, a run of 50 concerts he had decided to carry on.
In June, 26 of 2009 he had to be admitted to a hospital. Shortly afterwards, the doctors announced Michel Jackson’ death.

jueves, 20 de octubre de 2011

A For and Against Essay
Advantages and disadvantages of getting a tattoo

 Today, more and more people have a tattoo and they are very popular among young people. There are tattoos of all shapes and sizes and you can get one in practically any part of your body. Tattoos only can be removed with laser, which is a treatment very expensive, so when you get one is forever in most cases. Could you regret getting a tattoo?

On the one hand, the advantages of getting a tattoo are that they could be a memory for all your life, for example, a date or a name. They also allow you to express yourself and they give you personality.

On the other hand, there are some disadvantages too. There are people who get a tattoo because they are fashionable and then they hate and regret them. This is the reason why you have to think a lot of things before getting a tattoo, like what tattoo you want, the shape, the size, the place where you are going to get it...If you regret it and you want to remove it, the only solution is a very expensive treatment with laser which may damage your skin.

In conclusion, I would like to say that maybe I will get one tattoo someday but it’s going to be small and inconspicuous.


Desde el albor de los tiempos, la especie humana ha estado obsesionada con la inmortalidad, la posibilidad de engañar a la muerte, invertir la naturaleza de todo ser vivo y perdurar, de alguna u otra forma, para siempre, ya sea física o espiritualmente. Hasta hace muy poco se servía únicamente de las religiones o algun otro tipo de chamanísmo para aplacar su miedo a la muerte, pero ahora la vida eterna parece cada vez más a nuestro alcance.

La idea de la inmortalidad física no es descabellada; tenemos pruebas, textos históricos en los que podemos observar que hace no tanto(apenas unos siglos o milenios) la raza humana raras veces sobrepasaba los 50 años. Sin embargo, hoy en día eso es solo algo mas de la mitad de nuestra esperanza de vida. Esto se ha logrado gracias a que nuestra calidad de vida en general y la medicína han mejorado muchísimo en muy poco tiempo. Asi pues, ¿Por qué deberíamos ser escepticos respecto a que en un futuro pudiésemos alcanzar, si no la vida eterna, algo muy parecido?

De hecho, muchos científicos como Ray Kurzwil están convencidos de que esto será posible en unos 20 años. Este grupo de personas que se toman la inmortalidad como algo serio y alcanzable que se denominan a sí mismos “inmortalistas”, afirman que dentro de unas dos décadas la nanotecnología habrá avanzado tanto como para que podamos sustituir nuestros órganos defectuosos por otros sintéticos, nuestra sangre por nanobots que harán su trabajo infinitamente mejor etc. Sostienen que a pesar de que pueda sonar disparatado para muchos, ya hay páncreas artificiales e implantes neurales, y que la biomecánica no nos queda tan lejos y puede que al igual que el “Turritopsis nutricula”, el único ser vivo literalmente inmortal, seremos capaces de revertir el proceso de degradación celular.

Estoy de acuerdo en que la evolución natural del hombre es descubrir nuevas formas de alargar la vida, ya que el miedo y la aprensión que la muerte nos provoca nos obliga a ellos, e incluso estoy de acuerdo en que la vida es demasiado corta para las maravillas que este mundo puede ofrecernos. Sin embargo, la inmortalidad literal, la incapacidad de morir que muchos buscan me parece una abominación de la naturaleza. Tal y como Hamlet dijo: Todo lo que nace debe morir pasando por la naturaleza hacia la eternidad.


In recent years, tattoos´ amount has increased in an amazing way. They have become so popular, specially in young people, that nowadays, practically all the teenagers get one or want to get it. In spite of this, there are too many people who regret having done a tattoo and who would like to remove it. The question is if tattoos are a trend which bores and upsets with the time or not.

On the one hand, tattoos give a lot of personality to the person who gets them, because they are usually very showy, so they can be used to express ourselves. In addiction, they can remind people about special moments in their lives, such as an important date, a name of a dear person...

On the other hand, they are permanent, so they can`t be erased easily, it is necessary to use surgery. Furthermore, it is very expensive to get a tattoo, as well as it is to erase it. Moreover, having a tattoo can be a problem in a few jobs, because it doesn`t give a good image.

Although tattoos could be expensive and painful, I think they are very nice and I would get one, but obviously, before getting it, I would think carefully what type of drawing and its placement, because I know it would be for the rest of my life.

miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2011


Since we were little we have had different idols and have seen famous people on the TV, while we were thinking about how exciting it would be to become a famous star. But once we have grown, does everyone really want to be a celebrity?

On the one hand, nobody could deny there are many pros for being famous. Being famous usually involves wealth, living in a huge luxurious house and being able to buy whatever you want. Furthermore, celebrities often get free or VIP tickets for important events or wear fabulous designer clothes that are lent to them for advertising the product. This kind of people also have lots of fans admiring them, so getting a couple is easier for them.

On the other hand, everybody couldn’t put up with the pressure. Stars sometimes can’t manage to put up with all the expectation and suffer anxiety. In addition, their private life seems not to be private any more and tabloids, TV programmes and the yellow press in general don’t stop publishing intimate matters. Moreover, a fan can get too much obsessed with an idol turning into a threat for the idol himself.

On balance, I think there are more disadvantages for being famous, so I would prefer to live an anonymous life due to the lack of privacy that celebrities have. However, this is my personal point of view and I believe it depends much on the personality of each person.

martes, 20 de septiembre de 2011


Ongi etorri gure blog-era! Here we will publish some of your works. Aquí tienes una ventana para expresar tus opiniones.